Om gurve namah
Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur
devo Maheshwara, Gurur sakshat, param Brahma, tasmai shri guravay namah
i start reading his birth chart , we must throw some light on 9 energies to
make everyone understand what 9 grahas can do and what aspects they promote in
human beings .
Also, i will discuss certain graha combinations which can lead to deep spirituality
and renunciation from material world.
Surya (Sun) graha - agni tattva
represents Dharma, supreme light, life force,
father, giver of everything. Without surya , nothing exists.
Parasara says that Surya is Siva. He is mahadeva with supreme knowledge.
Chandra (Moon) graha- Jala Tattva
controls our mind . It shows our emotions. The english word lunar means moon.
When you loose your mind, its called lunatic. The vedic birth
Tithi is calculated between distance of moon from sun.
Guru graha ( Jupiter) akash tattva
is priest and Teacher of Devas . He
spreads knowledge. It is Gurus energy which envraces all cultures , faiths and
religions . Jupiter (Guru or Brihaspati)
is the planet for knowledge and wisdom. According to Bhagwad Gita, gyan
yoga leads to realization of soul. Hence role of Jupiter in conferring Moksha
need to be understood.
Ketu - agni tattva
grants moksha. It doesnt have head as head is Rahu ( our greeds) . When head is
cut It releases our soul from bondage and takes us up vertically without
desires and greed. It is the shunya where everthing merges with supreme.
Budh graha ( mercury) Prithvi Tattva
graha is Child of Tara ( Jupiters wife) and chandra. He constantly promotes you
to learn. Budh controls speech and is very communicative. He is the shishya .
Jyotish graha positions ,
conjunctions or combinations for asceticism as spelt by our Maharishis during vedic time.
yoga is a yoga for asceticism and final emancipation.
When four or more planets occupy a single house or bhav in birth
chart, its called pravraja yoga.
four planets come together, what do they indicate? They indicate loss of their
individual traits and merger for a
common cause. No cause is higher than salvation. If planets don’t come
together, that means the desire to enjoy or experience life persists
shishya Yoga.
planetaey conjunction yoga is formed when Jupiter (Guru) and mercury
(Budh) sit togather in birth chart. The
Gurū-Śiṣya Yoga (Guru-Shishya Yoga) opens up great possibilities of teaching
and receiving knowledge. It is also called Bhagvad Gita Yoga. If this yoga is
present in birth chart, this means that soul has come to earth for teaching or
spreading divine knowledge.
in order to check how deeper the human being is immersed in spirituality, the
above combinations should be seen and must be present in individuals birth
10th Bhav from moon
10th bhav shows our karmic journey. It shows what actions mind will make us to
do in this life. It shows ones career.
Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta
Swami (Abhaya Caraṇāravinda Bhaktivedānta Svāmī;
1 September 1896 – 14 November 1977), born Abhay Charan De, was an Indian spiritual teacher and the
founder-preceptor of the International Society for Krishna
Consciousness[ (ISKCON), commonly known as the "Hare Krishna
Movement". Members of the ISKCON movement view Bhaktivedānta Swāmi as a
representative and messenger of Krishna Chaitanya.
the society he is commonly referred to as Srila Prabhupāda or Prabhupāda.
In Birth chart of Prabhu pad , surya, jupiter
and Ketu are combined in 9th House of Dharma in his birth chart. He established
108 temples of Sri Krsna in various parts of world and is
founder of Hare krsna movement in west
we see his 10th bhav from lagna, He
wrote so many books on krishna and interpretation of Gita due to Guru graha in
9th Bhav.

was born on July 7, 1954. We dont have his birth time but we can read planetary
positions on that day.
can see that there are 4 planets combining on day of his birth. These are
Surya, Ketu, Jupiter and mercury.
pravajya yoga is complete in his birth chart. This entire 4 planet conjunction
is happening in 12th bhav from moon. Therefore there is no iota of Doubt that
mind was constantly in deep meditation.
, Jupiter ( guru) association with
mercury (budh) in this 4 planets conjunction
also confirms guru sisya yoga.