Below are the charts of a native who is a chartered accountant and worked with food / beverage industry , telecom and life insurance companies. he also worked with printing and photocopier industry. He picked up jyotish late in his career and now seriously learning the subject. he is reading lot of shastra and turned spiritual later in life.he is 46 year old as on date.
The 10th lord of rashi chart is mercury clearly confirming his karma associated with mercurial activities of printing, telecom industries. he is a chartered accountant and activities relating to accounting comes under the domain of mercury or budh graha. mars is 8th lord and aspecting the 10th house with shani also aspecting the 10th bhav . This gave him 6 years of working career in Life insurance industry.
8th bhav is also associated with occult or hidden sciences and this confirms his interests in Jyotish. jupiter in lagna confirms his ability to pick up VEDIC and religious literature for learning.
he writes jyotish blog. ketu is the lord of 3rd house which shows writing . 5th house also shows authoship and its lord is saturn. saturn is in 8th house and ketu is in 12th house . this confirms his writing related to jyotish vidya.
Jupiter is lagna lord and deblitated in 2nd house . Venus is also deblitated in 10th house. Therefore the person has not been able to achieve high position in his career (10th bhav is throne) . Mars is the lord of 5th house (power and authority) and placed in 10th house. During his tenure in insurance industry he enjoyed lot of power and authority. (mars is 8th lord in rashi chart)
Mercury is again 10th lord in dasamsa chart showing karmic actions related to mercurial activities. arudha pada of 7th house shows people whom you will meet in your career or karmic life or associate with . His arudha of 7th house of dasamsa chart is in 5th house with ketu. He met lot of astrologers recently. arudha of 7th house is conjoined arudha of 8th bhav (occult sciences).
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The 10th lord of rashi chart is mercury clearly confirming his karma associated with mercurial activities of printing, telecom industries. he is a chartered accountant and activities relating to accounting comes under the domain of mercury or budh graha. mars is 8th lord and aspecting the 10th house with shani also aspecting the 10th bhav . This gave him 6 years of working career in Life insurance industry.
8th bhav is also associated with occult or hidden sciences and this confirms his interests in Jyotish. jupiter in lagna confirms his ability to pick up VEDIC and religious literature for learning.
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Jupiter is lagna lord and deblitated in 2nd house . Venus is also deblitated in 10th house. Therefore the person has not been able to achieve high position in his career (10th bhav is throne) . Mars is the lord of 5th house (power and authority) and placed in 10th house. During his tenure in insurance industry he enjoyed lot of power and authority. (mars is 8th lord in rashi chart)
Mercury is again 10th lord in dasamsa chart showing karmic actions related to mercurial activities. arudha pada of 7th house shows people whom you will meet in your career or karmic life or associate with . His arudha of 7th house of dasamsa chart is in 5th house with ketu. He met lot of astrologers recently. arudha of 7th house is conjoined arudha of 8th bhav (occult sciences).