Atma Karaka (AK) is the planet in your chart which indicates the desire of the soul. The planet act as King in the horoscope and all other planets must work for him. What happens if different planets act as Atma karaka si shown in Table below.
The house the Atmakaraka rules shows the area from where you can find fulfillment or where you experience the life lessons/pain. When the Atmakaraka planet rules two houses, pay extra importance to the house which is it’s mooltrikona position.
Indira Gandhi has Saturn as Atma karaka. saturn represents no change , cold behaviour, no nonsense , strict rules approach.Therefore the desire of atma will be to follow these paths. Atma karaka in lagna itself is give of fame and power to the individual.
In her Chart, Saturn Rules 7th house (representing external world) and 8th House (Transformation, sudden change, sudden force, Hidden) and mool trikona house of Saturn is 8th house which represents Transformation. Therefore these two houses will indicate desire and suffering.
Saturn in her lagna in sign cancer whose dispositor is Moon. Moon has occupied capricorn sign in 7th house which is sign of leader ship and social rank. Therefore her mind set was to gain leadership and rank . Saturn is again placed in Capricorn navamsa and aspecting 5th house of power confirming this. Capricorn sign (makar rasi) represents social order, law , Recognition, reputation, Respect for Positions of Power punishments, consequences, system-wide rules, no individual exceptions etc. She imposed emergency in 1975-77 to restore the social order post allahabad high court decision against her on electoral malpractices. shani in makar rasi means (service with strict rules)
Saturn represents masses and general working class, poor people . Her landslide victory came with a campaign called " Garibi Hatao' (look Saturn effect here) in 1971
The house the Atmakaraka rules shows the area from where you can find fulfillment or where you experience the life lessons/pain. When the Atmakaraka planet rules two houses, pay extra importance to the house which is it’s mooltrikona position.
If Atmakaraka Grah or Planet is | Desire to achieve | One must practice |
Sun | Success, Fame, Power | Letting go of the ego, humility |
Moon | Happiness, Love, Satisfaction | Understanding Unhappiness; Difference between true and false love |
Mars | Passion, Victory, Adventure | Conceding defeat, patience, unrequited passions |
Mercury | Intellectual superiority | Crossing intellectual barriers, Divine communication, Learning to face the truth |
Jupiter | Children, Spirituality | Tolerating other's spirituality, wisdom, putting your children before you, For women, imperfect husbands. |
Venus | Sex, Relationships, Luxury, Sensuality | Accepting relationships the way they are, avoiding excessive behavior, controlling sensuality |
Saturn | Democracy, Duty | Facing harsh truths, loneliness |
Rahu | Achievement, Experience | Disappointments, fears, doubts |
Lets Try this on various charts as shown below.
Indira Gandhi, Allahabad, Time of Birth 23 Hrs 11 Minutes
In her Chart, Saturn Rules 7th house (representing external world) and 8th House (Transformation, sudden change, sudden force, Hidden) and mool trikona house of Saturn is 8th house which represents Transformation. Therefore these two houses will indicate desire and suffering.
Saturn in her lagna in sign cancer whose dispositor is Moon. Moon has occupied capricorn sign in 7th house which is sign of leader ship and social rank. Therefore her mind set was to gain leadership and rank . Saturn is again placed in Capricorn navamsa and aspecting 5th house of power confirming this. Capricorn sign (makar rasi) represents social order, law , Recognition, reputation, Respect for Positions of Power punishments, consequences, system-wide rules, no individual exceptions etc. She imposed emergency in 1975-77 to restore the social order post allahabad high court decision against her on electoral malpractices. shani in makar rasi means (service with strict rules)
Saturn represents masses and general working class, poor people . Her landslide victory came with a campaign called " Garibi Hatao' (look Saturn effect here) in 1971
Her husband Feroz died in very early age giving her lifetime loneliness. She had a lonely childhood as her younger brother died in early age. Her father Jawaharlal Nehru was mostly away and had limited contact with her through letters. we find that atmakaraka is placed in Arudha of 9th and 11th house in lagna confirming huge gains and luck for her.